Appointment Scheduling Solution

Custom patient self-scheduling and intake solution for your EHR

Our API-first appointment scheduling solution takes the complication out of patient scheduling, queuing, and registration. 

61% of patients reported they’ve skipped doctor appointments altogether due to challenges associated with scheduling.

Let Oystehr improve your patient intake experience.

Why Oystehr’s Appointment Scheduling Service?

Custom Scheduling Integration

Our solution seamlessly integrates registration, scheduling, and queuing functions (RSQ) into a unified platform. 
By customizing RSQ according to your organization's needs, we ensure a smooth onboarding process, minimizing patient drop-offs and maximizing retention. 

Flexible Scheduling Options

Whether it's self-scheduling, staff-managed scheduling, or a hybrid approach, our solution caters to diverse scheduling needs. 
We understand the complexities involved, including payer requirements, state licensure, provider preferences, and visit capacity management. 
By offering adaptable scheduling implementations, we empower clinical organizations to efficiently manage appointments while meeting patient preferences.

Efficient Time Slot Management

Through features like time slotting and queuing, our solution optimizes appointment allocation and utilization. 
Time slotting allows patients to book specific slots with preferred providers, while queuing models prioritize patients based on urgency and other factors. 
By automating processes and workflows, we minimize scheduling conflicts and maximize provider capacity utilization.

FHIR Modeling for Interoperability

Leveraging key FHIR resources, our solution enhances scheduling workflows for greater customization and interoperability. 
From generating slots to presenting available appointments to patients, we utilize FHIR standards to streamline the booking process.

Built to Connect

Oystehr integrates seamlessly with systems that power every aspect of your business.

see pricing
change healthcare APIZus HealthCandid Healthredox API integrationNexHealthOhMDBridgeEpicathenahealtheclinical works api integrationOracle CernerTwilio API integrationSendGrid
... and many more.

Learn why healthcare orgs trust Oystehr as their health tech dev platform

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Our new behavioral health intake application, built on Oystehr, allowed us to build a solution that is customized for our use including scheduling, insurance validation, and direct integration with our eClinicalWorks EHR.

Mordechai Raskas
Mordechai Raskas

Chief Medical Information Officer at PM Pediatric Care

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Is your scheduling solution compliant with HIPAA regulations?

Our scheduling solution prioritizes patient data security and complies with HIPAA regulations. We understand the importance of safeguarding patient information, and our system is designed with robust security measures to ensure compliance with healthcare data protection standards.

Can your solution integrate with our existing Electronic Health Record (EHR) system?

Yes, our scheduling solution is designed with an API-first approach and leverages Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standards, enabling seamless integration with various EHR systems. By utilizing FHIR-based interoperability, our solution can easily communicate and exchange data with your existing EHR system, ensuring compatibility and streamlined integration processes. Whether you're using a proprietary EHR or a third-party system, our solution's flexible architecture allows for efficient integration, minimizing disruptions and maximizing interoperability across your healthcare ecosystem.

How does your solution handle appointment cancellations and rescheduling?

Our solution includes features to efficiently manage appointment cancellations and rescheduling. Automated notification processes ensure that patients and staff are promptly informed of any changes, minimizing disruptions to your schedule. Our system also provides tools for staff to easily manage and adjust appointments as needed.

Can your solution accommodate multi-location practices or healthcare networks?

Yes, our scheduling solution is designed to scale and accommodate the needs of multi-location practices and healthcare networks. Whether you're managing appointments across multiple sites or within a larger network, our system can be configured to meet the unique requirements of your organization, ensuring seamless scheduling operations across all locations.

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