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The complete health tech developer platform

A headless cloud service offering developers and builders all the APIs and infrastructure necessary to create next generation health tech and EHRs.

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Trusted by

PM Pediatric CarePacifyFlexTogetherAdvantia Health

Create next generation health tech

We provide the API, core data model, cloud infrastructure, EHR interoperability and compliance as a single service so you can build the next generation of EHR-integrated products.

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Credential and secret management, access policies, MFA, passwordless SMS, app provisioning, SAML, and OAuth2.
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Use Zambdas to host custom endpoints with direct access to OystEHR events and data.
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Console and SDK

Sophisticated toolsets to help you build and maintain code across multiple environments.
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Clinical Services

Telehealth video, SMS and chat messaging, eRx, insurance validation and claims submission.
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Meet with our team to learn more about how you can build with OystEHR.

Built to Connect

OystEHR integrates seamlessly with systems that power every aspect of your business.

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change healthcare APIZus HealthCandid Healthredox API integrationNexHealthOhMDBridgeEpicathenahealtheclinical works api integrationOracle CernerTwilio API integrationSendGrid
... and many more.

Our advantage, headless EHR

Versus Today’s Monolithic EHR

Monolithic (Paleolithic) EHRs stifle innovation. They silo data. They kill integrations and interoperability. Clinicians and patients dislike them. And they are nearly impossible to improve. By design.

Page with text explaining the connection between "Your legacy EHR" and "Your Apps". In the middle is "Servers and translation layer to manage HL7 / SFTP feeds" with a description "Either in-house development or paying a third-party to try to abstract this pain". There are also notes "EHR support team delays" and "Per-integration fees", as well as "EHR data in a usable format". There are also notes "Most data can't be written into the EHR" and "Most data can be read from the EHR, with great effort".Page with text explaining the connection between "Your legacy EHR" and "Your Apps". In the middle is "Servers and translation layer to manage HL7 / SFTP feeds" with a description "Either in-house development or paying a third-party to try to abstract this pain". There are also notes "EHR support team delays" and "Per-integration fees", as well as "EHR data in a usable format". There are also notes "Most data can't be written into the EHR" and "Most data can be read from the EHR, with great effort".

With OystEHR

OystEHR allows you to go custom with confidence at a fraction of the cost. We are a platform made for developers.  We provide the hosted infrastructure, data model, and APIs to power new products at any scale.

OystEHR platform

It’s Your Data

Unsilo your data

OystEHR provides simple APIs to read and write every attribute of every object in the model. You’ll always have the option to “build your own” or pipe your data out to any other system.

ONC Certification as a Service

Always compliant

Health-tech software is highly regulated. Multiple standards bodies govern complicated, overlapping criteria. Legislative and statutory mandates change regularly. Payers, states, and exchanges have their own requirements. OystEHR does the heavy lifting to ensure your application maintains compliance in a shifting landscape.


FHIR R4 and R5

The FHIR specification is a powerful interoperability tool helping disparate systems with proprietary data models talk to each other in a standardized format.

OystEHR provides a complete FHIR R4b and R5 APIs as native data models.

Build, launch and scale

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Clone one of our sample apps or Ottehr, the open source EHR built on OystEHR. Build products that fit your practice like a glove, and kick that frustrating legacy EHR to the curb.

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Deploy your first EHR module and try it out across your organization on our generous free tier.

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OystEHR is built on serverless technology from top to bottom giving you the security and automatic scalability you need so you can focus on building your products.

Transparent pricing

No “talk to our enterprise sales team and become another victim of our price discrimination!” model here.

OystEHR charges published fees for compute, storage, and bandwidth, just like AWS and Azure.

You’ll pay only for what you use and you’ll know how much it costs in advance.

see pricing
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Self onboarding, instant access

As developers, we know you want to try it first to see if it’s the real deal. No artificial barriers. Grab your license key and go. Need help? We’re here when you need us.

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Learn why healthcare orgs trust OystEHR as their health tech dev platform

Meet with our engineers
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Our new behavioral health intake application, built on OystEHR, allowed us to build a solution that is customized for our use including scheduling, insurance validation, and direct integration with our eClinicalWorks EHR.

Mordechai Raskas
Mordechai Raskas

Chief Medical Information Officer at PM Pediatric Care