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Oystehr is ONC Certified

July 16, 2024

We are pleased to announce that Oystehr is now certified for ONC Health IT.   Systems built on Oystehr, including Ottehr, our modern, modular, open source front-end EHR, can inherit this certification criteria.  Ultimately Oystehr and Ottehr will be jointly certified as a CEHRT.  

To see details related to our certification please check out our ONC certification page.

Criteria Certified

b10Ensures seamless data export capabilities for better data interoperability.
g4Implements robust quality management practices to ensure consistent and reliable performance.
g5Focuses on creating accessible health IT solutions for users with varying abilities.
g10Provides standardized APIs to support secure and efficient data exchange.
d1Enhances security by ensuring only authorized users can access sensitive data.
d3Maintains comprehensive logs of user actions to ensure accountability and security.
d9Ensures secure communication channels for transmitting health information.
d10Tracks and reports all actions on health information to maintain data integrity.
d12Protects user credentials through robust encryption techniques
d13Implements multi-factor authentication for enhanced security.

Interested in learning more about Oystehr? You can meet with our engineers by scheduling a demo. Want to check out the platform for yourself? Request free access to our developer sandbox. 

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Our new behavioral health intake application, built on Oystehr, allowed us to build a solution that is customized for our use including scheduling, insurance validation, and direct integration with our eClinicalWorks EHR.

Mordechai Raskas
Mordechai Raskas

Chief Medical Information Officer at PM Pediatric Care