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Oystehr's eRx Solution: Putting Power Back in Patients' Hands

April 24, 2024

TLDR: Electronic prescribing (eRx) shifts the prescription process, empowering patients and streamlining workflows. Oystehr's solution revolutionizes eRx, giving patients electronic pharmacy choices and ensuring accuracy. This integration connects patient records with prescription management, enhancing efficiency and safety. With eRx, patients take control, reducing burdens on providers and improving outcomes.

In the realm of healthcare, efficiency and safety are paramount, and this is especially evident in the prescription process. Traditionally, managing the pharmacy has been a task shouldered by physicians and their practices. However, with the introduction of electronic prescribing (eRx), this landscape is changing, empowering patients and streamlining the workflow for healthcare providers.

Enter Oystehr, a revolutionary platform helping developers to rapidly build innovative health tech and EHRs. With Oystehr, practices can create an eRx solution tailored to their practice and revolutionize the way prescriptions are handled, putting the power back into the hands of patients.

Traditional Prescription Methods vs. e-Prescribing

In the days of paper prescriptions, errors, illegible handwriting, transcription mistakes, and misunderstandings were all too common. Moreover, if any issues arose with the prescription, the burden would fall squarely on the physician, requiring time-consuming phone calls and administrative hassle.

Electronic prescribing, on the other hand, provided a standardized, secure platform, significantly reducing the risk of such errors. With an established drug compendium, dose checking, and safety measures built-in, eRx helps to ensure that patients receive the right medication, at the right dosage. Furthermore, eRx is essential for managing controlled substances, providing an additional layer of security and accountability.

A New eRx Solution

Although e-prescribing has introduced numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges in current management. One major issue is the constraint of prescribing medications to specific pharmacies, which limits patient choice. Patients often encounter difficulties when trying to switch pharmacies, necessitating interactions with their doctor for reasons such as out-of-stock medications, long wait times, travel plans, pricing concerns, or personal preferences.

Oystehr’s solution tackles these challenges directly. It retains the advantages of e-prescribing while addressing persistent hurdles. With Oystehr’s eRx system, the physician continues to initiate prescriptions electronically, ensuring precision and safety. However, instead of being restricted to a specific pharmacy, the patient receives a text message with the prescription and can then choose their preferred pharmacy. This approach puts the decision-making power back in the hands of the patient.

This seemingly small adjustment has substantial effects. It not only eases the burden on medical practices but also empowers patients to take charge of their healthcare journey. Patients are no longer bound to a pre-selected pharmacy and can instead make choices based on convenience, pricing, or personal preference.

Leveraging Oystehr's eRx solution built atop Photon Health, the prescription process becomes not just digitized, but deeply interconnected with patient records and clinical workflows.

Oystehr’s FHIR Service

One of the standout features of this integration is its tight coupling with Oystehr's FHIR Service. This integration enables automatic synchronization of patient records between Oystehr and Photon Health. When a new patient record is created or updated in Oystehr, the information becomes readily available. This means that when prescribers initiate a new prescription, they can effortlessly select the patient from the list of available patients, eliminating redundant data entry and minimizing the risk of errors.


In conclusion, Oystehr’s solution marks a significant stride in patient-centered healthcare. Through the utilization of eRx, we not only enhance efficiency and safety but also empower patients to take a more active role in their healthcare journey. By prioritizing patient safety and informed decision-making, while securely managing patient and clinical data within HIPAA guidelines, the benefits extend to all stakeholders, including physicians, pharmacists, and most importantly, the patients themselves. Moreover, this partnership seamlessly integrates new technologies into existing systems, ensuring that quality care remains paramount in clinical decision-making processes. This collaboration fosters enhanced quality throughout patient care episodes, thereby contributing to improved public health outcomes. In essence, this partnership serves as a prime example of how technology and collaboration can revolutionize healthcare delivery, guaranteeing patients receive the highest standard of care across their healthcare continuum.

Interested in learning more about how Oystehr can empower your eRx processes?

Schedule a meeting with us today. Our team includes technical and subject matter experts who will help you to develop a custom application solution for your specific practice goals.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do different eRx solutions compare in terms of features and usability for both healthcare providers and patients?

Different eRx solutions offer a variety of features and functionalities tailored to the needs of healthcare providers and patients. Common features across most solutions include drug interaction and safety checks that automatically verify drug interactions and allergies, improving patient safety. Pharmacy selection allows patients to choose their preferred pharmacy, and healthcare providers can easily send prescriptions electronically. Many eRx solutions also integrate seamlessly with electronic health records (EHRs), streamlining the prescription process and patient management. Some platforms offer patient communication features such as sending prescription notifications and refill reminders. Usability can vary depending on the design and user interface of the eRx solution, so it's important for healthcare practices to choose a platform that aligns with their workflow and patient needs while ensuring ease of use and intuitive navigation.

2. What are the potential challenges or downsides of implementing electronic prescribing in healthcare practices?

While electronic prescribing (eRx) can bring many benefits to healthcare practices, there are also potential challenges to consider. Implementation costs, including initial setup and potential licensing fees, may pose a barrier, especially for smaller practices. Healthcare providers and staff may need training to adapt to the new system, which can be time-consuming. Additionally, resistance to change from traditional methods may be present in some practices, necessitating efforts to encourage adoption and demonstrate the benefits of eRx.

3. How can eRx technology help address issues such as prescription drug abuse and medication adherence?

Electronic prescribing can offer opportunities to monitor and manage prescriptions more effectively, helping to address issues such as prescription drug abuse and medication adherence. By using electronic systems to track prescribing patterns and control access to controlled substances, eRx can play a role in reducing the risk of abuse. eRx platforms can also send automated reminders to patients for refills and follow-up appointments, promoting better medication adherence. In summary, eRx can contribute to more efficient and safe prescribing practices while supporting patient health and well-being.

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Our new behavioral health intake application, built on Oystehr, allowed us to build a solution that is customized for our use including scheduling, insurance validation, and direct integration with our eClinicalWorks EHR.

Mordechai Raskas
Mordechai Raskas

Chief Medical Information Officer at PM Pediatric Care