
Oystehr is an API-first solution. You can invoke Oystehr APIs entirely a la carte. There is no data silo, no obligation to use any particular front-end. You can use our open-source EHR or not. You can maintain your own database or not. You can build an application entirely on Oystehr’s hosted infrastructure or interact strictly with the APIs you need statelessly. You can create inbound Zambdas (serverless hosted functions) that accept invocations from external systems, and you can create outbound Zambas that listen for Oystehr events and push data to external systems. You will not experience the restrictions on external integrations that monolithic EHRs impose.

Mockup of a web page labeled "FHIR R4/R5"

Unsilo your health data for connected care, regulatory standards, and better outcomes.

Single Sign On

We offer single sign-on capabilities, allowing you to streamline access to your systems. 


We prioritize interoperability by leveraging modern healthcare language standards such as FHIR R4, R5, and SMART on FHIR*.

FHIR is the growing standard for modeling and exchanging healthcare data electronically. Many EHRs, payer systems, and other healthcare products either already support or are adding support for sending and receiving data following the FHIR standard.

FHIR has resources like Patients, Practitioners, Schedules, and Encounters. These resources store health information.

The standard was created to give disparate healthcare systems with proprietary data models a common language for communicating healthcare data to improve interoperability. Existing players have to maintain their proprietary data models as well as a mapping to and from FHIR to facilitate interoperability. With Oystehr, you use FHIR as your data model from the start, removing the entire cost center of mapping into and out of FHIR.

Benefits of using FHIR

Oystehr is built on top of FHIR, meaning medical resources are stored in FHIR. This comes with many benefits:

  • If you are trying to import data from another source that uses FHIR, the process is much easier than if it is in another format.
  • If you are trying to work with another service that uses FHIR, the data is already in FHIR format.
  • No vendor lock-in. If you ever needed to, you could extract all of your FHIR resources and take them elsewhere.
  • If you are already familiar with FHIR, you don't need to learn a new way of storing data

Check out our docs for more information.

* SMART on FHIR Coming Q1 2024

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Compliance and Standards

Get FHIR, USCDI, ONC, X12 and HIPAA from the start. Health-tech software is highly regulated. Multiple organizations govern complicated, overlapping standards. Legislative and statutory mandates change regularly. Payers, states, and exchanges have their own requirements. Oystehr does the heavy lifting to ensure your application maintains compliance in a shifting landscape.

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Mockup of a web page labeled "FHIR R4/R5"


Oystehr is an API-first solution. You can invoke Oystehr APIs entirely a la carte. There is no data silo, no obligation to use any particular front-end. You can use our open-source EHR or not. You can maintain your own database or not. You can build an application entirely on Oystehr’s hosted infrastructure or interact strictly with the APIs you need statelessly. You can create inbound Zambdas (serverless hosted functions) that accept invocations from external systems, and you can create outbound Zambas that listen for Oystehr events and push data to external systems. You will not experience the restrictions on external integrations that monolithic EHRs impose.

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FHIR R4 and R5


Oystehr offers a comprehensive read/write FHIR API and hosted storage for both R4 and R5. It’s almost table-stakes, but because so few EHR vendors actually offer full, unrestricted FHIR access, it’s important. FHIR is the native data model of Oystehr, not a bolt-on afterthought. We support multiple versions of FHIR and an upgrade path as new versions are released. However, we view Oystehr as “more than just a FHIR store.” Offering direct FHIR access is critical for interoperability and implementing many workflows, but the real power of Oystehr’s FHIR API is that it is directly integrated with all our other service offerings. So, if you want to do an insurance validation, claims submission, order a diagnostic test, initiate a video telemed call, or support SMS or text chat, you can do so directly from Oystehr APIs and appropriate FHIR records are created.

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Learn why healthcare orgs trust Oystehr as their health tech dev platform

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Our new behavioral health intake application, built on Oystehr, allowed us to build a solution that is customized for our use including scheduling, insurance validation, and direct integration with our eClinicalWorks EHR.

Mordechai Raskas
Mordechai Raskas

Chief Medical Information Officer at PM Pediatric Care