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Top Features to Look for in an Urgent Care EHR

Urgent care centers require efficient, flexible, and reliable EHR systems that can handle high patient volumes while meeting the clinic’s operational and clinical needs. Choosing the right EHR for your urgent care facility can streamline workflows, reduce provider burnout, and enhance patient care. Here are the top features to consider when selecting an urgent care EHR.

1. Customizable

Urgent care facilities handle a wide range of patient scenarios, making customizable EHR applications crucial. This allows organizations to modify the app’s interfaces, such as updating forms, screens, or text, and customize patient messaging flows to suit their specific workflows. By personalizing these elements, urgent care centers can optimize their systems for operational efficiency and better patient engagement.

  • Why it’s important: Customization ensures the EHR meets your clinic’s needs without sacrificing speed or usability.
  • Look for: Pre-built templates with options for customization, enabling easy updates to workflows and interfaces based on your clinic's requirements.

2. Integrated Patient Scheduling

Efficient patient scheduling is essential for managing high patient volumes in urgent care. Choose an EHR with features like real-time availability, expected wait time notifications, various reservation types (e.g., pediatric, telehealth), customizable registration forms, and automated appointment reminders.

  • Why it's important: Reduces wait times, improves patient experience, and offers flexibility to meet your practice’s unique needs through customizable forms and scheduling options.
  • Look for: Real-time availability, flexible reservation types, customizable forms, and automated reminders to streamline patient flow.

3. Streamlined and Easy-to-Use Documentation Tools

Urgent care providers need documentation tools that are intuitive and user-friendly without compromising accuracy. Look for EHRs that offer customizable shortcuts and simplified data entry methods to make charting more efficient and less cumbersome.

  • Why it's important: Usability is key in urgent care, allowing providers to document patient interactions smoothly, improving workflow, and reducing frustration.
  • Look for: Customizable shortcuts and intuitive, easy-to-navigate forms.

4. eRx (ePrescribing) and Medication Management

Having an ePrescribing feature integrated into the EHR allows urgent care providers to quickly prescribe medications, check for drug interactions, and send prescriptions to pharmacies directly from the system.

  • Why it's important: Streamlines the prescribing process and enhances patient safety by reducing medication errors, preventing adverse drug interactions, and ensuring prescriptions are filled accurately and quickly.
  • Look for: Direct ePrescribing, automated medication history checks, and integrated pharmacy communication.

5. Lab and Imaging Integrations

Urgent care centers often require rapid lab results and imaging. An EHR system with built-in lab and imaging integrations helps providers quickly order tests, view results, and share them with patients or specialists.

  • Why it's important: Saves time by reducing manual data entry and supports faster diagnosis and treatment.
  • Look for: Real-time integration with lab services and imaging tools, results tracking, and notifications.

6. Interoperability and Data Exchange

Urgent care clinics often treat patients who see other specialists. Having an EHR that can exchange data with other health systems through interoperability features like FHIR APIs ensures continuity of care across healthcare providers.

  • Why it's important: Allows for seamless communication with other providers, hospitals, and healthcare systems.
  • Look for: FHIR-compliant APIs, direct messaging, and patient data sharing capabilities.

7. Revenue Cycle Management

Billing and financial management are essential to the business side of urgent care. An EHR that includes revenue cycle management (RCM) tools helps automate billing, claims processing, revenue tracking, and insurance validation.

  • Why it's important: Ensures smooth financial operations, faster reimbursements, accurate claims submissions, and reduces the risk of denials due to insurance issues.
  • Look for: Integrated payments processing, automated claims submissions and claims validation, insurance validation, and customizable reporting features.

8. Telemedicine Capabilities

Telemedicine has become a vital service, even in urgent care. EHR systems with built-in telemedicine features allow clinics to provide remote care, ensuring patients receive timely medical advice without the need for an in-person visit.

  • Why it's important: Expands care options and allows urgent care centers to serve patients remotely.
  • Look for: HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platforms integrated directly into the EHR scheduling tool.

9. Compliance and Reporting Features

Urgent care facilities must comply with various regulations, including HIPAA, MIPS, and other healthcare standards. An EHR that helps track and automate compliance reporting ensures clinics stay up-to-date with regulatory requirements.

  • Why it's important: Reduces the risk of penalties and ensures that clinics meet regulatory standards.
  • Look for: Built-in compliance tools, automated reporting, and audit tracking.

10. Patient Engagement Tools

Patient engagement is crucial for improving health outcomes and patient satisfaction. EHRs that provide patient portals, SMS, and direct communication tools make it easier for patients to engage with their care.

  • Why it's important: Enhances patient satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement with the clinic.
  • Look for: Patient portals, secure messaging, and appointment scheduling features.


Choosing the right EHR for your urgent care clinic can dramatically improve patient outcomes, provider efficiency, and overall clinic performance. Make sure the system you choose offers the customizability, integrations, and features that align with your clinic’s specific needs, helping you deliver faster, more efficient care.

Call to Action: Looking for an EHR that meets the demands of your urgent care facility? Book a demo with Oystehr to see how our customizable and interoperable EHR can enhance your clinic’s operations.

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Our new behavioral health intake application, built on Oystehr, allowed us to build a solution that is customized for our use including scheduling, insurance validation, and direct integration with our eClinicalWorks EHR.

Mordechai Raskas
Mordechai Raskas

Chief Medical Information Officer at PM Pediatric Care